How Server Security Services Can Protect Your Servers

3 min readNov 26, 2021


Techbrace — Server Security Services

Several websites are hacked every day, and to prevent your business website from an attack, you need to secure it. You can make use of the server security services in India to protect your server and your website from attacks. When you hire a company providing expert server security services, you can rest assured about the security of your server and focus on your business. And here is how server security services protect your servers.

Network Security

Server security services secure the network as it is an access point for attackers. It involves separating sensitive information from the public network, blocking access to unwanted ports, hardening the network against attacks, and monitoring the network traffic. Also, attacking IPs and spoofed connections are blocked in a measure to secure the network.

Server Hardening

It involves securing the servers using strong passwords that need to be changed regularly and protecting user data. Also, SSL and TLS are configured, two-factor authentication is set up, and user accounts are locked after multiple failed login attempts. The access privilege of users is controlled as well to restrict accessibility.

Web Server Security

Web servers are more vulnerable to attacks, and if attacked, web applications and their database will be affected. To prevent this, malware scanners and web application firewalls are equipped. Furthermore, user permissions are restricted, malicious files are deleted, and SSL encryption is enforced to enhance web server security.

Application Isolation

Businesses often run multiple web applications, including significant web apps on the same server. And a vulnerability in one of the web applications can result in all the applications getting infected. To prevent this from happening, critical applications are separated from third-party applications. It is called application isolation, and it improves the security of web applications that are crucial to a business.

Software Updates

Outdated software comes with vulnerabilities and makes it easy for hackers to access your server. So it is crucial that you keep your software updated. Whether you go for outsourced server support or in-house server support, make sure you get notified when a new update arrives for your software.

Regular Backups

Server security services ensure that your server data is backed up regularly. That way, when a calamity or crash occurs, you can restore your business functions in the quickest time possible. Without the latest backup, getting your business back on track may take longer.

Server Monitoring

Your servers are monitored round the clock and 24/7 server support is provided with server security services. Hence you get alerted whenever a server issue arises. A timely notification can help quickly resolve the problem and keep your business running. For this, parameters like login attempts, spamming events, unusual log entries, critical events, etc are monitored.

Server Auditing

Server security is a continuous process since vulnerabilities appear regularly, and hackers constantly find new ways to attack a server. However, server audits ensure that outdated software is updated or replaced and vulnerabilities are resolved. Apart from that, server audits involve analysing everything from server alerts to server performance to verify that the servers are secure and running efficiently.




Written by Techbrace

One of the best server management companies in India providing outsourced web hosting and support services

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