When running a small business, you may be taking care of almost everything related to your business. Along with that, providing professional technical support may not be possible. Besides, even if you offer technical support on your own, you may end up spending time and resources that you could otherwise use to develop your business. And if you are planning to set up an in-house team, it can be costly. The solution to all these problems is outsourcing. When you outsource technical support or web hosting support services you get experts at your disposal at an affordable price. So how do you outsource technical support? Before getting to that, here is a brief on outsourced technical support.
Outsourced technical support refers to the process of hiring a third-party company to answer your customer’s queries and solve any issues with your products or services. For instance, if you are a web hosting company, you can rely on outsourced web hosting support to provide your customers with web hosting support. Some of the advantages of outsourcing are cost savings, 24/7 support, scalability, and the usage of advanced technologies.
To make the most out of outsourced technical support, you need to set it up successfully and here are the ways to do it.
Identify Your Requirements
Say you are looking for outsourced server support , you need to understand your requirements first to find a suitable outsourcing company. You can start by finding out the languages and time zones for which you need to provide support. You may also have to consider your customers and their preferences, like the platforms through which they would like to get support. Based on your customers, they may expect the support to be offered via social media platforms, calls, emails, etc. Also, take into account the number of customer interactions you handle and your budget.
Look for Credibility
There may be several outsourced technical support companies out there, but you need to find a reputed company that you can trust. For example, a company claiming to offer 24/7 server support should actually be providing that. Here are some of the ways to look for credibility.
Read customer testimonials as they can help you know what it is like to work with a company.
Look for reviews of a company’s services. It can help you understand the quality of the services provided.
Also look for certifications, awards, and trust seals.
Create a Troubleshooting Manual
After finding a company to provide support to your customers, you need to create a troubleshooting manual. For that, you may have to spend some time and work with the company you hire. However, ensure that the manual includes frequently asked questions, details of the products and services, instructions to perform specific tasks, and so on.
Collect Feedback and Modify the Manual
Finally, the troubleshooting manual you created needs to be improved with time. Hence gather as much feedback as you can and make your manual better. It helps to provide your customers with the best service.