A server is generally a computer program that provides services to other programs or can be used to store and deliver data to another computer over a local network. For instance, a user can use a server for sending or receiving an email, controlling access to a network, web hosting, and more. Also, a server ensures the availability of critical systems and helps them to remain online. However, a server is most utilized by web hosting companies in hosting their client’s websites. Additionally, there are different varieties of servers- FTP servers, Web servers, Email servers, and more. But a server may sometimes encounter several threats that can compromise its security and affect all operations. As a result, there is a wide range of companies that offers server security services in India and it is convenient to rely on them to ensure server security.
More precisely, server security is the protection of valuable and accessible information on the server of an organization with the help of special tools. Server security is extremely important when it comes to a business or organization. Best way to ensure that is by establishing and using a secure connection. By strict authentications techniques and firewalls, you can keep your server safe and secure. To be able to take necessary precautions, you should know and understand the different threats that can interfere with your server performance.
1. Brute Force Attack
Brute Force attack is a hacking method using trial and error to crack passwords and encryption keys. Here, the intruder tries every possible combination to find the correct one. The name ‘brute force’ came from this excessive attempt, taken by the hackers to crack the code. Within brute force attacks, there are various types- simple brute force attacks, hybrid attacks, dictionary attacks, and more. Each one of them utilizes different methods to retrieve sensible data. However, using Brute Force detection software can help you to be alert and disable the IP address, when a hacker attempts multiple tries to gain access.
2. Cross-Site Attack
A cross-site attack or XSS is the method used to target vulnerable websites by a third party. The attackers make use of the lacking encryption and inject a code in the server-side script to retrieve sensitive information from the user. XSS attacks can be prevented by using strong encryption protocols on the host’s side. Users can also rely on script blockers for extra browsing control.
3. Open Relay
Open relay attack is a very critical email spoofing attack performed on SMTP servers. If your mail server is configured in an open relay, it allows the third party to send or receive email messages. Hence these servers are usually an easy target for attackers or spammers due to their vulnerability. However, it is convenient to close an open relay by simply following your MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) documentation.
4.SQL Injection
SQL attacks exploit the vulnerabilities in the database and manipulate the data. Here, the attacker inserts a malicious code that will interfere with the queries and is later, passed on to the SQL server which then executes malicious SQL statements. SQL attacks can be prevented with the help of firewalls that can filter out unwanted requests. Also, you should scan the websites regularly to fix the problem code and adopt the method of input validation.
5. Denial of Service (DoS)
Denial of Service is an attack method that restricts access to your sites or system resources. This is done by driving an excessive amount of traffic to your sites and making the server unresponsive. In Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, multiple affected systems attack a single system that leads to a DoS attack on the target user. However, DoS attacks can be prevented with the help of strong encryption techniques and up-to-date IDS tools.
6. Malware
Malware can be of any form- viruses, bots, trojan, spyware, and many more. Malware is generally referred to as malicious software, that is installed on a target system without the consent of the user. This can either help the attacker in stealing or destroying data from the system. Using security software protection and firewall, you can ensure protection from such malware threats.
For any organization, server security is an important aspect as it involves the protection of their valuable information or assets. By now, you would have got an insight into the various threats your server might encounter. While setting up a server, keep in mind all these threats and make sure to implement necessary server security measures. The more secure your server is, the safer your data will be.